Back in 1984, something special was happening at Shea Stadium in Queens, NY.

A 19 year old pitcher from Florida named Dwight Gooden began his rookie year for the New York Mets. At the same time a 21 year old fan from New Jersey named Dennis Scalzitti came up with the brilliant idea to hang hand painted “K’s” on white poster boards over the railing of Section 44 near the left field foul pole to record each of young Mr. Gooden’s strikeouts.

Dwight “Doc” Gooden went on to have several amazing seasons for the Metsies. Dennis “Coconut Joe” Scalzitti, along with his buddy Bob Belle, were there for all of it to record every strikeout that Dr. K recorded, helping his team get to and win the 1986 World Series.

Join us this coming Monday, April 12th at 7:30pm as we are joined by Dennis Scalzitti on a special “Mets Corner” sports show. Dennis will be letting us know about his developing what became “The K Korner”, something many MLB ballparks now have implemented with a digital strikeout sign, including Citi Field.

Hear all of the incredibly interesting stories about the experiences that were had involving the Mets organization, Doc Gooden and the phenomenon that was “The K Korner”!

See you then!